Editorial Services
There are different types and levels of editing, and sometimes the definitions vary among professional editors according to level of experience, specialty, or industry. Listed below are the editorial services that I provide and general descriptions of what each entails. You can choose one particular package or combine them to fit your needs.
For pricing info, please see the FAQs and then contact me directly for a free estimate.
Available for these forms of content across genres: manuscripts, journals, blog posts, query letters, and websites
Correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage
Checking for consistent style and format; creating style sheet
Reading for clarity
Querying errors or inconsistencies
Cross-checking references, art, figures, tables, etc.
Line Editing
Available for these forms of content across genres: manuscripts, journals, and websites
Performing basic copyediting tasks
Assessing language, words, and jargon in detail
Fixing wordiness and sentence structure, which includes rewriting/reorganizing for clarity and readability
Flagging and fixing active and passive voice, as well as tone
Developmental Editing
Accepted genres: Children's—Middle Grade, Young Adult, and New Adult
Improving the manuscript in any or all of the following ways:
Examining major story elements and offering solutions for areas of concern: characters, plot, theme, setting, conflict, etc.
Revising and/or reorganizing segments of text, scenes, or chapters for consistency and clarity
Analyzing authorial voice and adapting it for the target audience